Influenza is justly called the "King of infections, given its Cheap Generic Viagra widespread distribution, high morbidity in both developing and advanced countries of the world, the annual outbreaks, epidemics, adverse socio-economic consequences, the adverse impact on the individual and society as a whole, uncontrollability to far this ancient disease. Its name (from French. Gripper - grab, grasp) the disease Purchase Levitra Sale Online was in 1743, it reflected the sudden onset of flu. Symptoms of influenza, as well as many other diseases, first described by Hippocrates as early as 412 BC. e. [2].
Despite ongoing large-scale preventive measures, including Brand Name Viagra Prescription vaccination, in many countries, including Russia, registered annually seasonal influenza outbreaks, involving all sectors of the population from children to those of old and senile.
Human influenza virus, later Cheap Brand Name Cialis identified as a type A, was isolated in 1933 by British virologists W. Smith, K. Andrews and P. Laidlaw, but in Russia - AA Smorodintseva and L. Zil'ber after 3 years. In 40 years of the last Generic Levitra Pills century discovered viruses of type B and C.
The influenza virus - slozhnoorganizovanny, RNA-containing, its structure includes Cialis Drugs Online Pharmacy nukleokapsid, surrounded by a lipid membrane, which are protrusions formed by two proteins necessary for replication of the virus - hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). In the shell of influenza A virus also has ion channel M2.
It is now known 16 subtypes of hemagglutinin and 9 - neuraminidase. From man until recently, was isolated only H1-H2-, H3-, N1-and N2-subtypes such as H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2; of animals and especially Order Viagra Tablets Online from birds to distinguish many subtypes of influenza A virus with a variety of combinations of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. A unique feature of virus A is a constant variation of surface antigens (H and N); point mutations in the genome (antigenic drift) lead to the emergence of new serovars of the virus, resulting in Tadalafil Sildenafil Vardenafil annual outbreaks and epidemics of influenza [5, 9].
It is estimated that the average annual flu sick every Buy Generic Cialis Online ten adults and every third child. This, along with mild and moderate forms, ending in recovery, some patients have complications leading to death. According to WHO, each year during outbreaks of influenza in the world ill 3-5 million people, and 250-500 thousand of them die. In the group of patients with cardiovascular diseases, disorders of respiratory organs during the epidemics of influenza mortality in 50-100 times higher than in the group of healthy people. However, the complications of influenza occur not only in persons at risk, but also the young, before the healthy people. Each outbreak of influenza Order Brand Levitra Discount cause significant damage to human health and economy of the region and country.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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