Friday, September 18, 2009

Male version of menopause

Men, like women, are aging. However, the changes that occur in their mid-life, quite different from that experienced by women.

The term "menopause" means "cessation of menstruation, so it can hardly be applied to men. "Male menopause" means that a person just feels the physiological changes, or encounters with the moral and psychological problems of middle age.

After menopause, women have always stopped menstruating, and from that moment they can not get pregnant. The number of estrogen and other hormones drops sharply, causing certain symptoms.

In men, the amount of testosterone declines gradually, so some of them may have a baby in 70 years.

Age-related changes in men

Aging may affect sexual function in men. One of the possible disorders - gipogenitalizme, or low testosterone levels. Its cause is the disease of the testicles or the pituitary. The disease has the following symptoms:

* Soft or enlarged breasts
* Depression
* Fatigue
* Inflow
* Impotence
* Irritability and mood swings
* Loss of bone mass
* Loss of muscle mass
* Difficulty concentrating

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, consult a doctor. But perhaps they are not due to declining testosterone levels, and other diseases or are the side effects of drugs.

Other changes

The average age for men increases the risk and other diseases related to sexual and reproductive functions. For example:

· Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Developed almost 50% of men. BPH causes difficulties with urination and ejaculation. If you have problems with urination or during the night a few times you go to the toilet - see a doctor.

· Impotence. With age, men have problems with arousal and erection, but these problems can be caused not only by aging. Remember, impotence is treatable.

· Weakening of sexual desire. Some men from the age of interest in sex decreases. This may be due to health status, side effects of taking medication, or the lack of a partner. But many men live busy sex life, even in his declining years.

Midlife crisis

Even healthy middle-aged men often suffer from stress, feeling the new situation. Perhaps you now have to take care of elderly parents. Or you start to think about the meaning of the work being done for many years. Or you're worried thoughts of death or, more generally, about what is really important to you in this life.

All this has a positive side. Caring for parents can once again bring together you and refresh your relationship; reassessment of their own lives - make less work or career change. Maybe you decide that self-fulfillment is more important than the money that you receive, and you begin to live the present, not waiting for that happiness will come sometime in the future. Try to come to what you are, without preconceptions and to share their experiences with family and friends.

If you are a man of middle age, try to understand how age-related changes affect your sex life. Be prepared for psychological problems and seek assistance from a specialist, if you are experiencing stress, which begins to affect your daily life. Think of the average age is not as the end of youth, as well as the beginning of the period of maturity and wisdom.
UsRxMed In U.S.

Prostate cancer: one on one with a terrible diagnosis

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, you will be important to know how the disease develops, and understand medical terminology. This information will help you make important decisions, choosing between the proposal has methods of treatment.

Course of disease

In most men prostate cancer is progressing very slowly. In fact, older people do not need treatment, because they have no effect on the tumor life expectancy, and the disease is asymptomatic.

Condition associated with a slight change in shape and size of cells of the prostate, called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and occurs in about half of men over the age of 50 years. PIN is considered to be precancerous.

The rate of progression of prostate cancer: Gleason score

To predict the rate of disease doctors use Gleason.

* A biopsy (taken on the analysis of fragments of prostatic) and the resulting biomaterial is sent to a laboratory for examination under a microscope.
* In the laboratory each sample was evaluated on a 5-point scale: from 1 point, which means that the sample contains only healthy cells, up to 5 points - the sample contains abnormal (atypical) cells.
* Estimates of the two most characteristic of tumor samples are added. The resulting score (a number from 2 to 10) and is on the Gleason score. The higher it is, the faster can grow and spread tumors.

Stages of prostate cancer

Stage is characterized by it, where and how widely spread cancer. This information is necessary to select treatment. To determine the stage of cancer can be assigned the following survey:

* A digital rectal examination
* Blood
* Osteoskanirovanie
* Computed Tomography
* Magnetic resonance imaging
* A biopsy of the prostate tissue and / or lymph nodes.

There are two systems describing the stages of prostate cancer: AUA and TNM.

System AUA

In this case, to describe the stage of the disease using the letters A, B, C, D.

* A: microscopic tumor size, not detectable by palpation
* B: A tumor or nodule in the prostate gland (without metastases)
* From: tumor with metastases in the organs that are located directly next to the prostate
* D: A tumor with extensive metastases to the lymph nodes and other organs.

TNM system

Stages of cancer can be described by the system of TNM. In this abbreviation T means "tumor» (tumor), N - «node» (node), M - Metastasis (metastasis).

T: characterizes the development of the primary tumor.

* T1: tumor is not detected by visual inspection and X-ray. Cancer cells are present in tissue samples taken during surgery on the prostatic hyperplasia or biopsy at the higher concentrations of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood.
o T1a: The cancer cells are found in less than 5% of remote tissues. Score Gleason score - less than 7.
o T1b: The cancer cells are found in more than 5% removal of tissue or on the Gleason score - more than 7.
o T1s: Cancer cells found in tissues taken by puncture biopsy (performed in connection with the increased level of PSA in the blood).
* T2: tumor detectable, but not beyond the capsule surrounding the prostate gland.
o T2a: The tumor is less than 50% of one half of the prostate gland.
o T2B: The tumor is over 50% of one half of the prostate gland.
o T2S: Tumor spread in both halves of the prostate gland.
* T3: tumor extends to other organs, including, possibly, in the seminal vesicles.
o T3a: The tumor spreads to other organs, but not in the seminal vesicles.
o T3b: Tumor extends to the seminal vesicles.
* T4: Tumor extends to organs adjacent to the prostate gland, for example, in the rectum.

For the detection of metastases in other organs requires further investigation. Prostate cancer often metastasizes to the lymph nodes, bones, lungs and other organs.

Legend of N and M are used to describe metastases.

N: characterizes the spread of tumor in lymph nodes

* Nx: it is unclear whether amazed lymph nodes.
* N0: tumor was not found in any of the lymph nodes.
* N1: Tumor found in one lymph node in the pelvic cavity. Size of tumor - no more than 2 cm
* N2: Tumor found in one lymph node in the pelvic cavity. Tumor size - more than 2 cm but less than 5 cm Another option: found some cancerous lymph nodes, but the size of tumors - less than 5 cm
* N3: At least one of the tumors in the lymph nodes is larger than 5 cm

M: describes the spread of tumors in other organs.

* Mx: it is unclear whether there is metastasis to other organs.
* M0: metastases only in the prostate gland and nearby lymph nodes.
* M1: The tumor metastasizes to the lymph nodes outside the pelvis, and / or in other organs (bone, lungs, liver or brain).

The prognosis for prostate cancer

Almost all malignant tumors of the prostate (91%) detected before they spread beyond the prostate gland. If the tumor is detected at this stage, 99% of the patients can live for at least 5 years. However, the prognosis worsens survival, if the tumor metastasized to other organs.

Repeated detection of prostate cancer in a year or more after treatment is called a relapse. Cancer can recur in the prostate gland (even if it was removed) or in other organs, including the bones. For the treatment of relapse of cancer can be used methods different from those used for the treatment of primary tumor.
Rx Vermont

Prostate cancer: who is at risk?

The cause of prostate cancer is still unknown, but known risk factors. However, the role of each of them is not clear until the end, as the results of research in this area is contradictory.

Age. The probability of prostate cancer increases after 50 years. A more cases, 80% recorded in men over 65 years.

Race. For Black men, the risk of contracting a 2 times higher than that of whites.

Ethnicity. Prostate cancer frequently suffer from residents of northern latitudes. In Asia, Africa, Central and South America, this disease is less common.

Diet. The use of fatty foods, as well as the deficit in the diet of fruits and vegetables increases the likelihood of cancer of the prostate.

A diet rich in lycopene (this is contained in vegetables and fruit natural dyes in red), and selenium reduces the risk of disease.

Physical activity. Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Heredity. The causes of prostate cancer can be genetic. The risk of contracting doubles if a close relative (father or brother) had the disease. The risk increases even more, if prostate cancer suffered from several relatives, particularly at a young age. At present, examines the role of the gene in the HPC1 susceptibility to the disease. Perhaps in the not too distant future there will be tests needed to establish the degree of risk associated with congenital factors.

Vasectomy. Vasectomy (surgical sterilization), may also increase the risk of cancer of the prostate. However, these studies in this area are contradictory.
Rx Arizona