Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mistakes parents in the upbringing of children

Ideal new parents does not happen - they all make mistakes. Do not believe me? Then shall ye remember your own mother and father: they, too, probably doing something "against the rules.

No one is immune from mistakes in the upbringing of the child, especially one who became a parent for the first time in his life. But if you remember the 7 most common "dangerous step" that make moms and dads around the world, you can try to avoid them yourself!

1. Panic about insignificant

"Many new parents come in horror, seeing how their kid regurgitate, spitting or doing other things that befit his age - says Leon Hoffman, a psychoanalyst from New York. - And the child feels such an emotional mood adults.
He also says that parents often spend a lot of time to spare in the first year of life, constantly experiencing the fact whether he ate, not too much srygnul not aloud whether he was crying ... These fears are usually totally unfounded, "steal" you have your nerves and time. Are you worried, instead of simply enjoying the first year of life baby, to enjoy his achievements. Children are much more stable than we think about them.

2. Lamentations - a sure sign of illness!

We admit another mistake - do not allow the child to cry, thinking that this is the main parental care. Children's doctor, Jennifer Walker from Atlanta, said that "it is because parents are often associated with a baby crying a problem. Crying child for them - proof that they are doing something wrong. But children, in general, so arranged that they need, including, and cry! They can be fat and feel fine, but when you pull them from the hands, for example, they immediately go on a roar. Lamentations - one of the ways of communication of the child. But, of course, if the baby comes in screaming and crying for too long due to a serious problem, malaise, should urgently seek medical advice.

3. The main thing - time to feed!

Infants are often awakened by the clock to feed. Mistake? Many pediatricians believe that children are breastfed should and can sleep for long periods. Therefore, if your child sleeps - it is necessary to allow him to do it. At the same time themselves vzdremnete.

4. Traveling without luggage

Any parent, first time trying to install a child seat in the car, like a test pilot. First, we must not only make the right choice when buying a child seat, given the age and the parameters of the child, but make sure that it correctly "rose" in your car. If you feel uncertain about this matter, ask for help from more experienced friends or relatives to help. This is important - on how the seat is located, may depend on the life of your child.

5. Zubkov: take care, when they grow up

Many parents do not care about the health of teeth and mouth kids and remembers when it was already difficult to correct something. Address this need as soon as possible. On how to do this, read in one of the materials of our site "How to care for the child's teeth."

6. Child is more important than family relations

Relationships in the family are very important for the baby, they should not be underestimated. The appearance of the child does not mean that you should focus all their attention only on him.
On the contrary, his birth should be a new opportunity to become closer to each other. Even 3-month pipsqueak perfectly perceive the processes that occur around and if, for example, you swear to his eyes, it could be a serious test for the baby.

7. Listen to any advice

Do not trust unverified information, especially when it comes to child health, immunization, treatment of disease.
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